The cross is the main symbol of Christian religion and probably one of the most famous symbols in the world. In the Christian religion he remembers the crucifixion of Jesus and the salvation brought about by his passion and death, representing the love of God, in fact represents death Christ wanted for the redemption of men. We made it of travertine leaving it raw to appreciate better the material that has made Rome and its Christianity so important. The chain has 925 nickel free silver. For further information contact us!

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The cross is the main symbol of Christian religion and probably one of the most famous symbols in the world. In the Christian religion he remembers the crucifixion of Jesus and the salvation brought about by his passion and death, representing the love of God, in fact represents death Christ wanted for the redemption of men. We made it of travertine leaving it raw to appreciate better the material that has made Rome and its Christianity so important. The necklace is made of black leather were we put also two small sanpietrini. For further information contact us!

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Circulus Signum is inspired by a typical element of the Roman banners, which was brought into battle by a soldier with a prestigious charge. Most probably the circle in particular indicated the single centuries (unit of the Roman legion composed of 60 to 100 men).
The necklace is made using the Roman sampietrino. the purpose is to create a unisex object that can be worn always. The chain has 925 nickel free silver. For further information contact us!

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The term 'Sanpietrino' (=cobblestone) comes from the homonym of St. Peter square where it was first used in the 16th century to pave the piazza for its compactness and suitableness for carriage passages. Rome has the oldest cobblestones in history.

The chain has 925 nickel free silver. The material we used is the same used for sanpietrini (=cobblestone) of Rome faithfully respects the proportions and the specifications of real one... Each piece is crafted by hand, the top is polished and the sides are given the hammered effect, so each sanpietrino is different from the other. Unique pieces for unique people. 
It is also the perfect gift for all those who love the cobblestones as the Romans do, helping the safeguard of the Italian artistic and cultural heritage that is often subject to theft. In this way everyone can have an original #apieceofROMA to wear. For further information contact us! #apieceofroma #sanpietrino #cobblestone #roma #wearome


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